HandMade Connections cc considers client details as strictly confidential and such information will not be distributed, resold or supplied in bulk form to anyone. HandMade Connections cc may from time to time deem it necessary to notify registered members of important alterations in policy, products or costs. Members will be given opportunity to unsubscribe from such communication, should they feel inclined to do so. In general, updates to policy, products and costs will be published to our website.
The information we collect
This notice applies to all information collected or submitted to Gardenroute.com website. Gardenroute.com provides the facility for users to register and submit business listings for exposure on the Garden Route Business Network.
The following types of information is collected for the purpose of Business Listing display:
Personal Name, eMail address, Login username.
Business Name, eMail address, Physical Address, Telephone, Cell, Category, GPS Data, Description, Image
Once registered users may at any time choose to delete their information
How business listing information is used
Business Listings are available as both free and paid listings. Paid listings offer better exposure potential.
Business Listings will be moderated and approved.
The supplied information is displayed as per the listing examples provided at: Link
For paid listings, an invoice will be generated and mailed.
Payment may be monthly or annually via EFT or Debit Order.
Once paid, the listing will be made live.
HandMade Connections' Commitment to Data Security
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the correct use of information, appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures have been put in place to safeguard and secure the information collected.
How long do we keep your information
Your information is retained as long as your listing is valid. You may at any time request removal of your information (info@gardenroute.com) or you may choose to edit and delete your information.
What we provide
HandMade Connections cc provides web site advertising services. We do not provide or attempt to provide any appraisal, legal, or other professional services. Our services are to provide advertising opportunities only. HandMade Connections cc provides listings, web links, email or associated services and is not participants in the sale, rent/lease or reservations of/for listed accommodation establishments, real estate agents or other services advertised by listed clients. HandMade Connections do not charge booking commission
HandMade Connections cc do not accept responsibility for the conduct or performance of any person listing, photographers, travel agents, tourism offices, booking agents, real estate agents, solicitors or other persons whose products or services we may advertise on our website from time to time.
Should you require any legal, appraisal or other professional services or assistance, in any way, you are hereby recommended to seek advice from a licensed professional with experience dealing with the nature of the matter you need assistance with. The information contained on this web site may not be relied upon in connection with any investment decision.