Festival Of Games In George

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16th Jun 2024

Festival of Games in George

In an age dominated by screens and digital entertainment, there's a growing movement to unplug, reconnect with others, and discover the joys of tabletop gaming. Unplug Yourself has taken a significant step in this direction with the launch of their inaugural Festival of Games.

The Festival of Games is more than just another series of event; it's a celebration of the enduring appeal and benefits of organized tabletop gaming. From classic games like Ticket to Ride and Catan to modern favourites like Codenames and Exploding Kittens, the festival promises a diverse array of gaming experiences for enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels.

Philip Galliford, a longtime advocate for tabletop gaming and one of the key figures behind the Unplug Yourself movement, comments: “We are thrilled to be launching Festival of Games. We saw a gap in the market for formally bringing people together at a long series of tabletop gaming events, and we took it. We believe that everyone should experience the joy and social spirit that tabletop gaming brings. The events welcome families, seasoned players, and newcomers alike. There's something magical about sitting around a table, rolling dice, and strategizing with friends, family and newly made acquaintances.”

The Garden Route leg of Festival of Games launches in George on Sunday the 16th of June 2024 at the George Bowling Club 10am to 5pm. For ages 8 plus. Be sure to buy tickets to secure your place - R100 each.

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