The Wilderness centenary celebrations will present several events that take place over the next few months that lead up to July 2021.
All events that form part of the Centenary will be marketed with a Centenary logo and George Tourism will play a supporting role in terms of the marketing with the Wilderness Ratepayers Association (WRRA).
An event does not have to be a huge happening, it can be as simple as a beach clean-up, a musician at a restaurant or a wine tasting!
Organizations will be responsible for arranging their own events and these events will be coordinated by the Committee to form a part of the overall festivities.
Some of the existing events that have been suggested to form a part of the Centenary programme include: the annual SPCA Woof-a-thon; the Hoekwil Open Gardens, sailing regattas and music evenings.
Other suggestions from the floor included a Centenary Dinner, a soap box derby, beach yoga classes, an Island Lake swim and much more.
One of the highlights of the Centenary will be a launch of Hugo Leggatt’s book on the history of the area which is almost ready to go to print.
Contact either Lindi Harley on or 044 877 0045 or Chairman Chris Boshoff on
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